The Easiest Color Palette to Create

If you’re just starting to paint with watercolors you might find all of the color options in your palette a bit overwhelming. Truth is, you really don’t need a complicated color palette to create beautiful artwork. As a matter of fact, you can create a masterpiece with only one color! This is called a monochromatic color scheme and in this week’s video, I demonstrate how to easily create a monochromatic color scheme.

Monochromatic color schemes can be truly beautiful. Personally, I have found that they are a great way to learn how to master the water to paint ratio and make it easy to focus on the subject and technique, rather than a complicated color palette.

There are three things that are important in creating a monochromatic color scheme and in this video, you’ll learn about the following and why they matter:

  1. Tints: A color mixed with white.

  2. Tones: A color mixed with neutral gray.

  3. Shades: A color mixed with black.

0:00 Intro

0:54 3 Things to know

1:35 Paper acts as white paint for Tints

2:15 Gray addition for Tones

2:45 What is a Neutral Tint

3:20 Adding Black for Shades

6:30 Endless Variations

Have you tried painting with a monochromatic color palette? How did you like it? Did you find it easy or difficult?


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